Transgender is My Trigger Word

Rebecca Simmers
5 min readMay 3, 2021

It seems like everyone is 'triggered' by something these days.

Several years ago I was part of a panel discussing healthcare experiences with Medical Students. I went first, introducing myself and explaining that I identified as a Male-to-Female Transsexual before I dove into my complicated transition history and the struggles I encountered accessing healthcare and medical transition. But before I could even begin one of the other panel members shouted at me "STOP SAYING THAT!"

She had been 'triggered' by my use of the word 'Transsexual'. It didn't matter to her that that was, and is, how I describe myself. How I self identify. (I actually identify as Female, but that is a topic for another time.) "Transgender is the appropriate accepted term," she went on chastised me in front of the entire group of fifteen medical students.

In that moment, she was the violent one, attempting to shame and humiliate me. In that moment, her being triggered was more valid than how I identified. In that moment, she exerted control over my legitimacy to define and speak for myself.

The fact is Transgender is an umbrella term used to describe a variety of gender varient identities. Of which, Transsexual is one. As is Non-binary, Genderfluid, Gender Nonconforming, along with several others. Each has distinct and unique characteristics that can sometimes blur into other groups.



Rebecca Simmers

Rebecca (She/Her) is a queer Poet/Writer/Memoirist, Entrepreneur, Women's Health Educator, Advocate and Former Caregiver currently based in Louisville, KY