My Vagina Is Not A Mutilated Penis

Or,… F&#k Your Penis, I Love My Vagina

Rebecca Simmers
2 min readApr 27, 2023

Let us not forget that "Conservatives" are in a full court press against Cisgender women as well. The assault on the reputation of transgender people, primarily trans women, is merely part of the agenda of re-oppression. And, as James Finn pointed out the other day, their plan is to drag the rest of the world with them back to 1850. Attacking trans people is just a distraction, a second front, meant to tire progressives as they machine gun a barrage of cookie cutter laws in states from coast to coast. But, let's be realistic, they started this campaign years ago, long before trans people were even on the political radar. Long before even marriage equality they were focusing 2/3rds of their efforts every election cycle on winning state houses. And, not just winning, but entrenching supermajorities so that even if they lost a governor's house or senate seat, they could ram through whatever socially regressive, repressive legislation they wanted and the people wouldn't complain. Or, heck, just censure someone for dissenting and voice that dissent.

The disparaging talk and graphic descriptions are just tools to get the low intelligence masses worked up. When I checked into the hospital the morning I had gender affirming bottom surgery, the procedure I was having was listed as a Penectomy, not Vaginoplasty. Certainly anyone with a very limited mental capacity might find such a term funny envisioning some ridiculous Saw inspired butcher scene. I certainly was…



Rebecca Simmers

Rebecca (She/Her) is a queer Poet/Writer/Memoirist, Entrepreneur, Women's Health Educator, Advocate and Former Caregiver currently based in Louisville, KY